Roy Caywood Conference
The Roy W. Caywood Sr. Kentucky Lions Leadership Conference will bring together Lions from both districts in Kentucky for a fun-filled day of learning at Lions Camp Crescendo on October 8th 2022.. Participants will develop strategies for being an effective leader, discuss service projects that have real world applications, and hone in on how to recruit new members to their clubs. By delivering approachable content in a relaxed setting, the aim is to structure the two-way dialogue between Lions that transforms social conversation into action.
The Kentucky Lions that have been involved in planning the Caywood Conference are: Paul Witten, Verna Sharp, Jimmy Tipton, Noel Hardwick, David Moose, Judy Moose, Randy Morris, Steve Pederson, Bill Pater, Michael Frye, April Rudman, Chuck Carlson, Tony Bishop, Karen Nitschke, Duane Kiser, Wendy Kiser, Hanna Moore, Tom Matney, Brett Rosenblum
Saturday October 8th 2022
10AM- 4PM Eastern
$10/$11 Admission $5/$6 USB Drive
Lions Camp Crescendo
1480 Pine Tavern Rd
Lebanon Junction, KY 40150
Deborah Turner
AARP KY and National
Lion Carl Webster
Tennessee Lions
Featured Speakers
Deborah Turner, AARP Kentucky and National- As a co-lead for the National AARP Volunteer Facilitation and Training Team, she will discuss Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement. Additionally she will talk about opportunities that might allow Lions to partner with AARP as we strive to "create the good" - developing a connection with meaningful volunteer options and non profits that want to make use of your skills and passions as a Lion in your community.
Lion Carl Webster- 12-S Tennessee Lions, His seminar, “Autopsy of a Deceased Lions Club: Why Lions Clubs Die” was presented at the Tennessee Lions Learning Retreat last year. Using a blend of data analysis and interviews with over 80 Lions from around the world, Webster has adapted his presentation with empirical data from MD-43 to determine conclusions on why Lions Clubs fold, and what can be done about it.
$11 Admission
$6 USB Drive
(Upcharge will cover the service fee)
Personal Check
Payable to MD-43, mail to Lion Brett Rosenblum
$10 Admission
$5 USB Drive
Registration Deadline: September 30th 2022
Payable at the door or mail to Lion Brett Rosenblum
$10 Admission
$5 USB Drive
Please mail payment to:
Lion Brett Rosenblum
c/o Caywood Conference
814 Moser Rd
Louisville, KY 40223
Contact Lion Brett Rosenblum with any questions.